No 2: Learn complex vowels and double consonants

Learn Korean Anytime app is very simple to use to help anyone who wants to learn & master all Korean alphabets in short time. It has all-in-one functions such as reading, listening, recording your voice to listen, video to watch stroke sequences and finger-tracing writing happening all-in-one screen. It’s like you have a private native tutor anytime anywhere you go. You will master Korean alphabets in the shortest time and let you move on next level.  
Download 'Learn Korean Anytime' at Google Play & AppleStore to master a full set of Korean letters (read, native pronunciation and learn how to write correctly by watching video)

To learn the Korean alphabet with an audio pronunciation guide from Indiana University. click here: (Note: Samsung Galaxy S2 works very well)
Introduction of Syllable Formation

Structure of syllable: C + V  and  C + V c  (Consonant, Vowel)

Ba-na-na          + , + , +   = 바나나

Tho-ma-s          + , + ,  + = 토마스  (Thomas)

Co-ffee              + , +                 = 커피      (

Sam-Sung         ++, ++        = 삼성      (

Mel-Gib-son     ++, ++, +
+  = 멜 깁슨 (Mel Gibson)

Activity 1: try to write your name and friend's names in Korean.            
Fiona      +, +, +                   = 피오나
Hyunju    ++, +                         = 현주
Christal   +,+,+,++   = 크리스탈

Activity 2: Now, try to read them in Korean.

1) 바나나banana, 요리사chef, 우표stamp, 카메라camera, 아파트apartment

2) 자전거bicycle, 선글라스sunglass, 선물gift, 식당restaurant, 식품점grocery store

3) 책book, 뱀snake, 비행기airplane, 과자cookie, 시계watch,  의사doctor

4) 가방bag, 눈eye, 생일birthday, 물고기fish, 집house, 소파sofa, 택시taxi, 학교school

5) 꽃flower, 땅콩peanut, 빵bread, 쓰레기통rubbish bin, 짜다squeez

6) 뭘 좋아해요?  저는 불고기를 좋아해요.
    What do you like? I like bulgogi.

7) 뭘 싫어해요? 저는 기름진 음식을 싫어해요.
    What do you dislike? I don't like oily food.

8) 뭘 원하세요? 저는 집에가고 싶어요.
    What do you want to do? I want to go home.

9) 어디에서 우유를 사요? 슈퍼에서 우유를 사요.
    Where do you buy milk? I buy milk at the supermarket.

10) 아빠, 엄마 사랑해요. 우리 가족은 행복해요.
    I love you, mom and dad. My family is happy.

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