Thursday, September 1, 2011

(2) Learn about particles/markers for subject & object (조사)

Particles to identify which word is subject and object
The position of subject noun or object noun in Korean sentence is very flexible. They can be placed at the front or in the middle or at the end without change of meaning because of the particle attached to the noun.


I hit Mary.        Mary hit I(me).                               
English changes the meaning dramatically as you see here
because of the position of S and O.

메리 때렸다.   메리 때렸다.    메리 때렸다 내.
The meaning  does not change at all from wherever the position
of S and O is placed in the sentence.

vocab: 신문 (news paper), 가방 (bag), 컴퓨터 (computer), 시드니 (sydney),
            멜번 (Melborne), 어디 (where), 테이블 (table), 날씨 (weather),
            엄마 (Mum), 동생 (younger brother/sister), 참 (very, really),

(Intro basic grammer: subject, object and BE verb)
1 subject marker/particle (주어 조사)
A noun maked with the particle '이' or '가' is the subject of a sentence.
When the noun ends in a consonant, '이' must be used.  신문, 가방
When the noun ends in a vowel,       '가' must be used.   컴퓨터, 시드니

신문 어디에 있어요? 신문 테이블 위에 있어요.  Where is a news paper? It is on the table.
겨울엔 시드니 멜번보다 따뜻해요.                             Sydney is warmer than Melbourne in winter.

2 object marker/particle (목적어 조사)
A noun marked with the particle '을' or '를' is the object of the sentence.
When the noun ends in a consonant, '을' must be used.  신문, 가방
When the noun ends in a vowel,       '를' must be used.   컴퓨터, 시드니

어제 엄마 여행 가방 샀어요.                                     Yesterday Mum bought a travel bag.
동생 컴퓨터 하고 있어요.                                           My younger brother is using a computer.

3 예요 or 이에요 (am, are,is)

'예요' or '이에요' is attached to a noun and is used to identify and describe the subject in a sentence.
When the noun ends in a consonant, '이에요'. eg, 신문이에요,  가방이에요
When the noun ends in a vowel,           '예요'. eg, 컴퓨터,  시드니예요

이게 뭐예요?          이게 컴퓨터예요.                                What is this? this is a computer.
사라예요?               아니오, 크리스탈이에요.                    Are you Sarah? No, I am Christal.

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Very useful sites for self-study:

(Korean words and phrases for unexpected reasons, yet urgently, or just for fun)
(Radio Korea International site to learn more about conversation (FLASH animation with audio))